Having your own adult website is great way to earn extra income. Its easy to do, you dont need any web skills and its completely FREE.
Whether your a webmodel or a photographer, a complete novice or a seasoned expert, we would like to hear from you.
Founded in 2003, TACNet Ltd (owners of this site) is a long standing and fully VAT registered UK company that has been running one of the biggest adult networks in the WORLD for over a 15 years.
Our sites include some of the biggest names in the industry including www.tacamateurs.com , www.uk-exhibitionist.com and www.myamateurwebsite.com
Our solid track record means that we have NEVER missed a single payment in all that time and are now considered one of the most trusted brands on the net
All our websites are built by our award-winning design team and come with their own unique theme and unlike other networks, we do NOT require exclusive content.
Our stat-of-the-art Model Admin gives you complete control over every aspect of your site.
You need a minimum of 8 - 10 picture sets and/or some broadband videos to start a site.
Picture sets must be a minimum of 50 pics per set at 1024x768 resolution or higher (no vidcaps). Videos should be in .wmv or .mp4 format at a minimum of 1Mbps bitrate and at least 5 minutes long
Typically you need to be able to update your site at least once a week with a picture set or movie clip. The maximum is twice a week.
If you would like to apply for a site on MyAmateurWebsite or have any questions then simply send an email to webmaster-at-myamateurwebsite.com ( replace -at- with @ ). Please include some sample pics and details of the type of content you wish to provide